Biographie / Biography

Geboren in Linz, Österreich

Born in Linz, Austria

Lebt und arbeitet in Wien, Österreich

Lives and works in Vienna, Austria
seit 2003
Mitglied des Universitätsrates der Kunstuniversität Linz, Austria
Vorsitzende des Universitätsrates der Kunstuniversität Linz , Austria

Preise und Auszeichnungen / Awards and Distinctions

9. Wiener Frauenpreis, Vienna, Austria
Gabriele Münter Award, Frauen Museum, Bonn, Germany

Einzelausstellungen (Auswahl) / Selected Solo Exhibitions

Fremde überall - Foreigners everywhere, Contemporary Art from the Pomeranz Collection, Jüdisches Museum, Wien, Austria
Zeit und Gegenzeit, curated by Angelika Nollert, Belvedere, Vienna; LENTOS Kunstmuseum Linz, Austria

Stadtbilder - Fotoinstallation, Kubus EXPORT: Der Transparente Raum, Vienna, Austria
The Israel Museum , Ticho House, Jerusalem
Index - The Swedish Contemporary Art Foundation, Stockholm, Sweden

Athens School of Fine Arts, Athens, Greece

Charim Ungar Contemporary Berlin, Berlin, Germany

Studio Stefania Miscetti, Rome, Italy

VALIE EXPORT: Die Reklame reklamieren (1), k48 - Offensive für zeitgenössische Wahrnehmung, Vienna, Austria

Studio Stefania Miscetti, Rome, Italy
Art Basel Miami Beach, Klemens Gasser & Tanja Grunert, Inc., New York, USA

DER SCHMERZ DER UTOPIE/THE PAIN OF UTOPIA, La Biennale di Venezia 2007, Corderie dell’Arsenale, Venice, Italy

VALIE EXPORT: Filme und Video, curated by Brigitta Burger-Utzer, Österreichisches Filmmuseum, Wiener Festwochen, Vienna, Austria

VALIE EXPORT. LEFT OVER Fotoeditionen 2007, Charim Galerie, Vienna, Austria

WELLEN, Galerie im Stadtturm, Gmünd, Austria

QUALITY STREET, Fine Art Fair, Frankfurt, Germany

2nd Moscow Biennale of Contemporary Arts, National Centre for Contemporary Art, Ekaterina Cultural Foundation, Moscow, Russia

Dead People Don’t Scream, Klemens Gasser & Tanja Grunert Inc., New York, USA
Workshow, The Essl Collection of Contemporary Art, Klosterneuburg, Austria
VALIE EXPORT: Series, Atelier Augarten, Center of Contemporary Art of the Austrian Gallery Belvedere, Vienna

Galerie im Traklhaus, Salzburg, Austria

The Power of Language, The Freud Museum, London, UK

VALIE EXPORT Retrospective at “E La Nave Va”, Musée d’Art Moderne et Contemporain, Geneva, Italy

Un dia en 1967, Centro Andaluz de Arte Contemporaneo, Seville, Spain
Media Anagrams (Mediale Anagramme), Akademie der bildenden Künste, Berlin, Germany

Centre National de la Photographie, Paris
Pol`yp*to“ton, Charim Galerie, Vienna, Austria

Patrick Painter, Santa Monica, USA

Galerie Halle, Linz, Austria
Der Schrei, Galerie der Gegenwart, Hamburger Kunsthalle, Hamburg, Germany

Metanoia or Another View of Things, Kunstverein Oldenburg, Oldenburg, Germany

Metanoia or Another View of Things, Edith-Ruß-Haus, Oldenburg, Germany

Traces: ID - Gravis, Antiquariat Walter Wögenstein, Vienna, Austria

Ob / De+Con(Struction), Santa Monica Museum of Art, USA

Installations, Photographies
, Maltz Gallery, Otis School of Art and Design, Los Angeles, USA

Metanoia or Another View of Things, Haus der Kunst / City of Brünn, Czech Republic
Metanoia or Another View of Things, Galerie Taxispalais, Innsbruck, Austria

Ob / De+Con(Struction), Goldy Paleyy Gallery, The Galleries at Moore, Moore College of Art and Design, Philadelphia, USA

VALIE EXPORT. Body Configurations 1972–1976, Klemens Gasser & Tanja Grunert, Inc., New York, USA
Conceptual Photography, Wilma Tolksdorf Galerie, Frankfurt/Main, Germany

Project Fire, steirischer herbst Graz, K.U.L.M. Kulturstock 3, Pischelsdorf, Austria

FOTOFO Month of Photography, Austria Cultural Center, Bratislava, Slovakia
Psycho-Prognoses (Psycho-Prognosen), Neuer Aachener Kunstverein, Aachen, Germany

VALIE EXPORT: Workshow III, Fotogalerie, Vienna, Austria

Trans: Territories or the Houses of the Tortoises, Residenzgalerie, Salzburg, Austria

The Cut in Space” (installation, Center for Architecture, Vienna, Austria

VALIE EXPORT. Editions 1971–1998, Oliver Schweden Galerie, Munich, Germany
Split Reality: VALIE EXPORT
, Museum of Modern Art Stiftung Ludwig, 20er Haus, Vienna, Austria

Galerie Fotohof, Salzburg, Austria

Images of Contact, Deitch Projects, New York, USA

Masks. Approaching the Shoa, Glass steles installed in the urban area of Vienna to the subject of the exhibition, Jewish Museum, Vienna
Klemens Gasser und Tanja Grunert, Cologne, Germany

VALIE EXPORT Films - White Cube / Black Box (together with Gordon Matta-Clark), EA-Generali Foundation, Vienna, Austria

Dresden Secession, galerie drei, Dresden, Germany

Film and Video Retrospective and Film installations, Feminale, Cologne, Germany

VALIE EXPORT : body/sign/action, Pacific Film Archive, University Art Museum, Berkeley, USA
Fragments of Images of a Touch, Magazin 4 - Voralberger Kunstverein, Bregenz, Austria

Installations, Galerie Museum, Bolzano, Italy

Photographic Works, Rhytmogram, Galerie an der Landesmusikschule, Bad Ischl, Austria
OBJECTIVE - stories of the everyday life, Brechthaus, Berlin, Germany
VALIE EXPORT, Alive or Dead - retrospective, Upper Austrian Gallery (Museum of Linz), Linz, Austria

Film and Video Retrospective, Moviemento, Linz, Austria

Body Configurations, Aspekte Galerie, Munich, Germany

Photographic Documentation: Designs of Video installations and Video Sculptures of the 70s, Freie Künstlergruppe, Fribourg, Germany
In the Continuum of the Body, Barbara Gross Gallery, Munich, Germany

The Geometry of the Body, Galerie Fotohof, Salzburg, Austria

Cinematographic installation, Römischer Keller, Salzburg, Austria
Glassy Papers, EA-Generali Foundation, Vienna, Austria

Reading through Objects, Grita insam Gallery, Vienna, Austria

steirischer herbst, Griss Gallery, Graz, Austria

New Computer Works, Matinée at the Museum of Modern Art, Vienna, Austria

Hatley Martin Gallery, San Francisco, USA

Vivre un Tableau Vivant, Antiquariat Walter Wögenstein, Vienna, Austria

Film Retrospective, Collective of Living Cinema, New York, USA
Film Retrospective, San Francisco Cinematheque and Roxie Cinema, San Francisco, USA

Film Retrospective, National Film Theatre, London, UK
Body Works, Eubie Blake Museum, Baltimore, USA
Body Configurations, Antiquariat Walter Wögenstein, Vienna, Austria
Bertorelli B (together with Ingrid Wiener), Collection Dr. Buse, Hamburg, Germany
Books and Art / Gallery & Café, Vienna, Austria
Austrian Pavilion, Venice Biennal, Venice, Italy

Documentary exhibition on the Austrian contribution at the Venice Biennal, Galerie an der Staatsoper, Vienna

Video, Projects, Photographies, Stedelijk Museum, Amsterdam, NL

BODY SPLINTERS, MAERZ Gallery, Linz, Austria
BODY SPLINTERS. Drawings. Photography. Objects, Forum Stadtpark, Graz, Austria

Documents of Actions and Performances, Studio Gallery Mike Steiner, Berlin

Photography / Film, Modern Gallery, Lublin, Poland
BODY SPLINTERS from the Hippocratic Face of the Present, Galerie nächst St. Stephan, Vienna
VALIE EXPORT: Body Configurations (Körperkonfigurationen), 1972–76, Galerie Krinzinger, Innsbruck, Austria

Body Configurations, Video Projects, and Video Realisations, Galerie Stampa, Basel, Switzerland

Photography / Film, Szutukildk Labirynt Gallery, Lublin, Poland
VALIE EXPORT. Works from 1968-1975, 9th Paris Biennal, Musée d’Art Moderne de la Ville de Paris, Musée National d’Art Moderne, Musée Galliena, Paris
Context – Variations: Changes of State – Changes of Meaning, street / urban installation, Klewan Galerie, Vienna

Gruppenausstellungen (Auswahl) / Selected Group Exhibitions

Reflecting Fashion - Kunst und Mode seit der Moderne , MUMOK, Wien, Austria

Alice im Wunderland der Kunst, Hamburger Kunsthalle, Hamburg,Germany
The Original Copy: Photography of Sculpture, 1839 to Today , Museum of Modern Art, New York, USA

Visceral Bodies , Vancouver Art Gallery, Vancouver, Canada

Bilder in Bewegung. Künstler & Video_Film , Ludwig Museum, Cologne, Germany

Pictures by Women: A History of Modern Photography, Museum of Modern Art, New York, USA

Tradition und Avantgarde. Kunst in Österreich 1945-1980, Museum Liaunig, Neuhaus/Suha

aus/gezeichnet/zeichnen, Käthe Kollwitz Museum, Cologne, Germany
Indomitable Women, Centre de Cultura Contemporania, Barcelona, Spain

100 Years (version #2, ps1, nov 2009) , P.S.1, Performa 09, New York, USA

Die Fragilität des Seins, Museum der Moderne, Rupertinum, Salzburg, Austria

DAS GESPINST – Die Sammlung Schürmann zu Besuch im Museum Abteiberg, Museum Abteiberg, Mönchengladbach, Germany

See this sound, Lentos Kunstmuseum, Linz, Asutria


Verleihung des Österreichischen Filmpreises 2012, Filmpreisgestaltung: Valie Export
Die un -endliche/ - ähnliche Melodie der Stränge”, permanent installation curated by Doris Rothauer, Museum Arbeitswelt Steyr, Steyr, Austria
Film Screenings, Maes & Matthys Gallery, Antwerp, Belgium; Camden Arts Centre, London, UK; National Film Theatre, London, UK
Kubus EXPORT - The Transparent Space, permanent installation, Gürtelbrücke Lerchenfelder Gürtel / Friedmanngasse, Vienna, Austria
Landscaping (Landschaftsmesser), permanent installation, Allentsteig Memorial, Allentsteig, Austria

Permanent light installation, Donaufelderhof, Bauteil Elsa Prochazka, Vienna
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